The right side of Facebook. We all know it well. It's there, staring at us, offering us deals tailored (supposedly) to our specific interests based on intricate algorithms, studies, keyword analysis, demographic studies and all that jazz. The new wave in marketing, cutting the virtual crap and making the big, bad, heartless world of advertising a pill that's a little less hard to swallow? kelly4nia says, "Questionable."
Forget what we all know about many of these ads being straight up fraudulent or leading to the ever-loving virus or spyware...bleh - let's fist attack the front-end action on these and how some of the worst advertising known to man (or most humorous, depending on your tastes) has passed through the scrutinizing eyes of many and made it to .... THE RIGHT SIDE OF FACEBOOK (FACebook, facebook, facebook.)
I'm considering making this a reoccurring look into this topic, so thoughts would be much appreciated.
Over the last few months, I've caught some of the best, worst and funniest ad faux pas, grammatical errors, you name it. I submit just a few here for your consideration:
Eye for booty?It's not so much the girl trying to snap a shot that catches my attention, but rather the creeper who took the most lurid picture imaginable without having this hot toddy in a thong. Is this an ad for young photogs looking to get a start on that career, or rather (and what it seems) a call out to all those would be stalkers and lurkers on how to hone their creeping skills. "Put your talent to work"...closet pervs! Get started today!
Put a Kardashian on it...
Seeing the most famous of the Kardashian clan's face smacked on the left side of a shoe ad, raises again, so many questions... such as: Is she a fan of the shoes? Are they from her new line? Did the marketer just assume that by slapping the ole Kim K. face on this pic it would make the shoes seem sexier and more appealing - just as car and motorcycle mags tend to do (understatement)? Who knows, but it definitely has a scent of the Portlandia adage "put a bird on it." Question remains, what does her face have to do with these shoes? No explanation... just click on the ad already....
Case and (in) point
Does this statue harbor a whooha? Is the blanket as soft as a vag, is it for the vag, will it make the vag soft and fresh,?.... the vag has so many questions.... Questions left unanswered by this ludicrously VAGue and bizarre ad.
PS. what kind of freshly laundered bunny are they referring to? The big-boobied blond brand that lives in the big house by the grotto with the dusty ancient lech? Cuz, they never clean, no matter how much you launder them. Dust bunnies? Easter Bunny (not funny) ...again, so many questions.
I think this is a good place to call it quitsies for today. Until next time on ...
Posted via email from Kellyfornia on the state of... well, things.